United Arab Emirates

A new frontier in education: How DecidEd and Ignite Live Education partnership will change student's lives

A new frontier in education: How DecidEd and Ignite Live Education partnership will change student’s lives

Published: Tue 13 Jun 2023, 10:44 AM

A student shared between Dr Fraser and UAE-based Ignite Live Education led to a coffee meeting between the two and the rest, as they say, is history.

Fast forward 12 months and DecidEd and Ignite Live Education are thrilled to announce their groundbreaking partnership, revolutionising comprehensive, holistic student support in the UAE. DecidEd, a leading provider of career advisory services, accredited college admissions guidance, and test preparation, has joined forces with Ignite Live Education, a renowned STEM education specialist. Together, they offer a complete suite of services that cater to every aspect of a student’s educational and developmental journey.

Empowering students through comprehensive and holistic support:

In a post-Covid-19 society, it feels increasingly difficult to find quality education services to provide end-to-end support for the ambitions and dreams of our children. Many companies have shifted towards an impersonal, often 100 per cent online, approach making it more difficult for children to engage in their studies and for parents to properly vet who they are entrusting their child’s time. This was the conundrum faced by Mrs Shah, herself an experienced educator with over 20 years of teaching experience. Her daughter, Ria, was an outstanding student in high school and someone with a clear vision of what she wanted from the future. Yet, despite an elite high school score and plenty of extracurriculars, she was unable to secure an offer to attend Medical School.

“It took a toll on Ria. She kept a strong character and didn’t let anyone know but you could tell it was a blow to her confidence deep down.”

Two years later, Ria had improved her already strong UCAT and GAMSAT scores to an elite level, refined her statements and college applications and secured offers to five prestigious global Medical Schools including Kings College London, Queen Mary and the Barts London, and Newcastle University in Australia. Ultimately, despite a brief interlude to consider Oxford, Ria decided to stay close to home, accepting a scholarship to attend the world-class MD program at Macquarie University. The question is, how does a student go from no offers to five offers within just one year? A phone call to Dr Fraser one afternoon changed everything.

“We were quite lost and despondent. We were told by Institutions, agents and other people that Ria should get in. We didn’t know where to go. Thankfully Ria went to one of Dr Fraser’s free Masterclasses and chatted afterwards about her situation. We booked a 30 min chat and at the end, we had saved almost a year’s worth of time and had a clear path forward,” said Mrs Shah.

While Dr Fraser brings years of experience in the college admissions and career advisory space, the key difference was taking the time to learn about Ria and understand her goals. At the end of the session, Ria had a suite of options and a renewed strategy to reach her goal of Medical School.

Not only did Ria get support for her preparation, but she also got critical mentorship, professional development opportunities, and experience to help her personal growth. The Ria that entered her interviews was “confident in her shoes” and the best version of herself. At the end of the day, that’s the best position that anybody can hope to be in when entering an interview.

Recognising the importance of a well-rounded education, DecidEd and Ignite Live Education have come together to provide students with a full-service support system. From academic tuition and standardised test preparation to extracurricular activities, career advisory and college application guidance; students can now access all-encompassing support under one roof. This collaboration ensures that students receive expert guidance at every stage of their educational journey, and empowers them to make informed decisions about their future.

Ignite Live Education: Excellence in STEM tuition:

While Dr Fraser is an author of the Australian High School Chemistry text in the Cambridge Press team, and has a PhD in Chemistry, providing a comprehensive suite of educational and career support services is a team effort. This is where the fantastic team at Ignite Live Education comes in, bringing an unparalleled level of expertise in STEM education to the partnership. With a team of highly qualified educators and a track record of success, Ignite Live Education specialises in providing top-notch tuition in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students have had their marks completely turned around and have discovered a renewed passion for education and learning. By integrating Ignite Live Education’s excellence in STEM education with DecidEd’s comprehensive support model, students can now receive industry-leading STEM tuition as part of a holistic educational experience. Whether students aspire to pursue STEM-related careers or seek to strengthen their foundation in these crucial fields, Ignite Live Education’s specialised programmes offer exceptional opportunities for personal growth and academic development.

Upcoming Events: Medical School Pathways Forum and Global University Admissions Forum:

DecidEd and Ignite Live Education are excited to announce two upcoming events that will serve as a launchpad for your child’s educational journey. The Medical School Pathways Forum will provide aspiring medical professionals with valuable insights, mentorship, and guidance from Dr Fraser and industry experts. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the medical school application process, explore different global pathways, and receive invaluable advice to pursue their medical careers with confidence.

Additionally, the Global University Admissions Forum will empower students to explore diverse international study options beyond the well-trodden conventional routes. This forum will open doors to universities and programs worldwide, equipping students with the knowledge to make informed decisions about pursuing higher education abroad. DecidEd and Ignite Live Education’s team of experts will guide students through admission requirements, scholarships, cultural integration, and more, ensuring a seamless transition to global opportunities.

Building trust and confidence:

DecidEd and Ignite Live Education place trust and confidence at the forefront of their partnership. Both organisations are committed to transparency, credibility, and providing the highest level of expertise. Accredited by reputable bodies like UCAS and NACAC, and backed by testimonials from satisfied parents and students, DecidEd and Ignite Live Education inspire trust and confidence in their ability to deliver exceptional educational support. Parents can rest assured that their children are receiving comprehensive assistance from experienced professionals who genuinely care about their educational journey.

At the heart of DecidEd lies the expertise of Dr Fraser, a globally-renowned education professional with a wealth of experience in test preparation and career guidance. With his vast knowledge and insights, Dr Fraser brings a fresh perspective to the GCC region, addressing the scarcity of experts in test preparation and adding a formally qualified voice to careers advisory. His commitment to student success and unwavering dedication to his students make DecidEd stand out as a trusted partner in shaping students’ futures.

“We feel genuinely better. We took time to speak to Dr Fraser and seek his counsel. We were getting such conflicting information from people with highly vested interests which we didn’t realise. We now feel confident in Riyah’s selection and future and she has a mentor in Dr Fraser she can call on as she needs. He didn’t just help us map the right now – we have a complete map of the University, her internship and more. It was truly enlightening,” said Rahul, a local parent who popped in last week.

The collaboration between DecidEd and Ignite Live Education marks a turning point in comprehensive student support and STEM education in the UAE. The upcoming forums mark the start of what promises to be a transformational change in career advisory and support.

Registration for these events is essential and places are likely to fill up fast, so to avoid disappointment please ensure you sign-up soon using the links above.

source: khaleejtimes

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